Thursday, 11 April 2013

It turned out to be a skirt...

And a very cute skirt at that. Fits a 24 inch waist, which means it's too big for Florence really, much to her irritation! I've promised her a purple one.
I'm going to make one for a grownup next, after the couple of hats I have on order.

Sunday, 31 March 2013

Pink and fluffy

Today's work in progress will either be a dress for a little girl or a skirt for a bigger girl. Time will tell...

Saturday, 23 March 2013

Really rather snowy!

It feels like it's been snowing forever. We had to dig the car out today to move it to lower ground so Colin can get to work on Monday. As fast as we gritted the road, the wild ponies were licking up the salt.

In between digging and drinking hot chocolate I listed more things on Folksy, including these rather cute hair decorations

More to follow tomorrow :)

Wednesday, 20 March 2013

Daisy chain didn't bring Spring!

Hmm, the weather has gone downhill rapidly since I made the daisy chain! Not to be deterred, I'm making more and they will soon appear on my folksy shop. Advance orders are being taken!

Monday, 18 March 2013

Daisy chain

Daisy chain from shetland wool to encourage spring on its way!

Sunday, 17 March 2013

Browny jumper is done

It's taken a while, but I have finally sewed in the last end (and there are many of those with a colour change every 1 to 3 rows!) and have the browns jumper finished and for sale on Folksy

And, yes, it snowed last night and we had a power cut. Soon be spring! Crocheting daisy chains to hurry spring along..

Tuesday, 19 February 2013

Work in progress

The latest jumper, inspired by the rocks, mosses and lichens where I live

Monday, 18 February 2013

It feels like spring has sprung!

Went for a potter down Gogbatch today as it is flat (ish) at the bottom and Florence wanted to ride her scooter. It was such a beautiful day, blue skies, birdsong, and a hint of warmth in the sun. We watched Ravens doing their flipping over thing, Buzzards soaring and a Red Kite who had popped over for a visit. The Alders were glinting purple from their catkins and the black Ash buds were getting fatter. We also saw two lambs and the wild horses on a nearby hill. What a wonderful place to live.

And as a bonus the washing dried outside (almost)! Back to the knitting now...

Tuesday, 12 February 2013

My two favourite models

Florence and Hollie wearing their Rainbow Sheep jumpers. Thanks girls!
If you would like one for yourself send me a message - any colourway, any size.

Doggy coat from recycled wooly jumper

The jumper was my mother-in-law's, it looked lovely on her but looks much cuter on Didi the puppy!

Monday, 11 February 2013

Sunday, 10 February 2013

Back online, hurray!

I've found it so hard to have no access to the internet at home this past year. Quite isolating in a way. I have been knitting like a good 'un though and have sold a lot of things, now my stocks are a bit depleted. I have decided to concentrate on original designs, like this blue jumper, with a few hats, brooches and teacosies thrown in as light relief when I am sewing in the ends! There are a lot of ends...

Quick look over the road to see the wild ponies!