Sunday, 31 March 2013

Pink and fluffy

Today's work in progress will either be a dress for a little girl or a skirt for a bigger girl. Time will tell...

Saturday, 23 March 2013

Really rather snowy!

It feels like it's been snowing forever. We had to dig the car out today to move it to lower ground so Colin can get to work on Monday. As fast as we gritted the road, the wild ponies were licking up the salt.

In between digging and drinking hot chocolate I listed more things on Folksy, including these rather cute hair decorations

More to follow tomorrow :)

Wednesday, 20 March 2013

Daisy chain didn't bring Spring!

Hmm, the weather has gone downhill rapidly since I made the daisy chain! Not to be deterred, I'm making more and they will soon appear on my folksy shop. Advance orders are being taken!

Monday, 18 March 2013

Daisy chain

Daisy chain from shetland wool to encourage spring on its way!

Sunday, 17 March 2013

Browny jumper is done

It's taken a while, but I have finally sewed in the last end (and there are many of those with a colour change every 1 to 3 rows!) and have the browns jumper finished and for sale on Folksy

And, yes, it snowed last night and we had a power cut. Soon be spring! Crocheting daisy chains to hurry spring along..